Social Commitment


The Bosumpra Project

We support the Bosumpra project with full conviction and would like to present the valuable work of Ben Addo to you.

Artist Ben Addo has lived and worked in Hamburg for 25 years (as a lecturer for the Körber Foundation and the Kulturhaus Süderelbe, among other things). Since his return to Ghana in 2011, he has devoted himself to the Bosumpra Nature Conservation and Stone Age Village Project. Archaeological excavations carried out by the University of Legon in his home town of Abetifi/Ghana in 2008 revealed that people were living on the Addo family's property 13,000 years ago. This inspired the artist to initiate the Bosumpra project and make the site available to the general public. He is working on opening an open-air museum in a rock cave, in which his sculptures depicting scenes from the Stone Age will be exhibited. An information centre is also being planned in which the finds from the excavations will be on display. The associated rainforest - which has remained pristine up to now - is being severely endangered by illegal deforestation. The Bosumpra project offers the opportunity to have this forest recognised as a nature reserve. The project will create jobs in the economically weak region. Pupils, students and tourists will have the opportunity to learn about the historical significance of the place and will be able to gather information about the protection and preservation of the rainforest and the biodiversity of the country.


And that happened in 2018...

With the help and support of many friends and the company Scholz Mechanik based in Hamburg, the Bosumpra Stone Age Park project was also subject to further successful development in 2018.

In February, negotiations began with the Abetifi Municipality to clear the illegal garbage dump on our site. After many discussions, approval was finally obtained to order excavators and trucks to cart away the garbage debris deposited over the years. It finally happened in March. We could hardly believe it when 22 truck drivers managed to remove the mountain of garbage in just two days. Beautiful rocks came to light, and we built a stone staircase leading to the rocks.


This gave a new look to the whole park. The garbage was transported to an official garbage dump. The residents in our neighbourhood now use a container for their garbage, which is emptied regularly. A milestone has thus been set, as the smell and pollution of the constantly growing garbage dump no longer form a threat to the nature reserve. There has been a significant reduction in the number of mosquitoes and flies plaguing the area. After cleaning the rocks, we planted flowers and grass. The resulting square has become a centre of attraction for many visitors. The city of Abetifi took over part of the costs, thereby proving the great interest they have in our project. The King of Abetifi also offered support and undertook the drilling of a well to supply water to the project.


A drilling company had to drill 100 meters deep into the rock until they came across a water vein. The aid organisation Fason from Switzerland financed the construction of a public toilet on the park grounds. This includes a biogas plant that can be used as a gas generator or for cooking.


A bee-keeper obtained space for her beehives on the site and will be able to practice her profession in the park in the future. Many workers were involved in the various construction activities and they can also look forward to good jobs in the future.

The help and support we received allows us to look back on a very successful year in 2018. 


Contact and Account for donations:

Author and contact person: Ben Addo

Phone Germany: +4917687138390 • Phone Ghana: +233207385883
IBAN: DE02500202000000741587 • BHF Bank .Ifo:Benjamin Addo 0020216493018



